Photos from History West Midlands, Pail Winchurch, Quint Watt and Jack Price
The Stall Holders - Top left to bottom right - West Midlands Historic Building Trust, Black Country Society, Chance Heritage Trust, Stourbridge Glass Museum, Friends of Dudley Hippodrome, Tipton Civic Society
The programme
Dr Malcolm Dick introducing the day
Simon Briercliffe spoke about his book "Forging Ahead - Austerity to Prosperity in the Black Country" published by History West Midlands
Pat Talbot telling the cultural history of Black Country football through its England international players and introducing his book "White Shirt, Black Country"
Keith Robinson with ‘Voices from Wednesbury Workhouse and the Parish Poor 1750-1900’
Over lunchtime
The President at the Hippodrome table
Anna Muggridge couldn't be therein person but with the power of technology she was able to share the history of pioneering women as local councillors
The BCLM team ‘Interpreting the Black Country: Living History Perspectives’ - the team who help make the museum such a great place to visit and at the same time tell the history of the Black Country
And finally - The President entertains