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Black Country Society Walk around Monmore Green on May 18th 2022


An Industrial Archaeology Group walk led by Keith Hodgkins and Peter Glews.

The area to the immediate south-east of Wolverhampton town centre saw some of the earliest coal and iron ore mining and iron making, in the Black Country. It was also the point of convergence of three major transport routes: the Birmingham Canal and the main lines of the Great Western and London & North Western Railways, both of which developed interchange facilities with the canal. The walk explored all three routes together with the sites of lost industries and the Black Country`s last complete (although derelict) canal-rail interchange basin.

A selection of photos from Jack Price and Graham Beckley and Jack Price taken during the very wet walk.

The intrepid walkers!

'Submerged entrance to Wolverhampton's former Low-Level Station'

'Newest members of the Black County Society - some starting young!'

'Commemorative Blue Plaque to Briton cars'

'The abandoned and unfortunately neglected canal-rail interchange basin'

'Above the canal entrance to the interchange basin'

'A leafy walk through Monmore Green, formerly the Great Western Railway line'


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